I didn't realize i still haven't posted about our New Orleans trip for the sugar bowl. We had such a great time. Since we don't live too far from New Orleans we decided to drive and not fly. It is not a bad drive at all. I told the Sweet Man, we should do this trip more often. We go to New Orleans at least once a year b/c my SIL is from there and her family still lives there so its an easy trip to see my brother, sil, and nephew.
Tuesday morning we picked of our friends, Rhys and Jessica, from the airport. Most of our friends all got here the Sunday before. There was a big group of us and so fun to see everyone.
Crazy how hog fans all get together at the same place even in New Orleans. The Fayetteville radio station was there also. Everyone just kept showing up, it was like we were all in the pit in Fayetteville tailgating.
a few of the guys And the girls...
On Bourbon Street I am not a huge fan of Bourbon St. I don't love soo many people in one place where you can't just walk down a street. At times, yes, i do get distracted so I will get lost from my group. The Sweet Man would keep saying Jenni we aren't behind you. Ooops!
Also when we go with my brother and SIL we don't do the Bourbon st thing. Just tourists. I have seen so much more of New Orleans than Bourbon and if you only see Bourbon you are missing out. But that is were most people were and wanting to go so I just sucked it up and did what majority of the group wanted to do.
if you go to the design menu in blogger now and go to advanced settings you can set up the width of your body text, and columns ect. once you know how big that is.. for instance I think mine is 640 width then you will be able to know how wide you can make your pictures to where they won't chop off. I've been using picasa to resize mine and then just uploading them to my web albums but as you mentioned photobucket works good for that too! Your email wasn't linked to your comments so I didn't really know how to answer you back but if you have any more questions then FB me your email address and I'll try to help!