Man times in life we wonder HOW? WHY?
We don't know the answer we just have to have faith and trust God.
This past Friday one of my very favorite pediatricians went to be with the Lord. He went to work like a normal day and then came to the hospital to round on his pt and then went to home to be with his wife. He was brought to the ER late that afternoon where he then passed. So many things go through your head, he was young, his poor family during the holidays, what are his pt going to do, what are we going to do. All those things probably went through everyones mind. Then you sit back and think about the Sweet Doctor that everyone loved, that touched so many lives.
When I think of him it makes me smile. He was the one of the nicest Dr. anyone could work with. He was on call 24/7. It was never a stress to have to call him in the middle of the night because he would always be so nice and just answer your question and take care of the situation. He also gave parents his number. The poor man probably never slept...or his wife!! He was the only Doctor that night shift worked with on a regular basis. He would come to the hospital every morning around 6:15.
At night we turn down the lights since it is when normal people are sleeping. As he would enter the Pedi floor he would tell everyone Good Morning, flip the lights on. The smell of coffee would fill the air. If he has a new pt we would always have a face sheet printed for him and whatever Xrays pulled up for him to see. He was always so soft spoken and very kind hearted. When he would go into each room, most people would still be asleep, He would bend down on their level or sit on the bed and talk with each family everyone morning. His pt's were very very important to him. He saw any and everyone. There was not one pt he would turn away b/c they didn't have money, or insurance to pay him. What a wonderful Man he was.
One of my favorite memories about him was when i was new at the hospital i would see that he would walk down the hall in a zig zag. Like go to left wall then walk to the right wall, all the way down the hallway at the hospital. When i saw this I was concerned and asked him if he was feeling okay. He looked and smiled yes. I said ok. He saw the look on my face as he was walking and he said, I walk like this to get more steps in. We both laughed and went on with what we were doing.
Recently my sister moved in town and has the same job i do but at another Hospital. He thought it was crazy how much we looked alike and that we work the same job but at different hospitals. He would tell us how we should trade places and see if anyone would notice. He would always get a kick out of it.
I attended his funeral today. It was one of the most amazing funerals i have been to. His middle son spoke and what an amazing job he did.
We will forever miss you and always remember you Dr Burns aka Burnsie (what night shift called him).